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The Computer 101 -  Part I
Computer hardware basics

Time:           19h00-19h55     May 18th Tuesday
Location:     Online
Language:   English

Coders, after software, let's handle the hardware.

  • Computer basics

  • Computer hardware

  • Mini Quiz

  • Old computer upgrade (Laptop & desktop)

  • How to DIY a desktop

Walking with Dinosaurs V

"Rockin' Resources (World)."

Time:           19h00-19h50     Dec 17th Thursday
Location:     Online
Language:   English - Français (Bilingual)

Classes will be taught directly by Scientist from Royal Tyrrell Museum

In the new international version of this popular program, our geography focus expands to a global scale as we explore the world's eight biomes. Geology: Learn about sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rock types. Palaeontology: See real fossils up close. Find out how the Royal Tyrrell Museum contributes to palaeontological knowledge globally.

CAD 3D Design - Beginner

Time:           Every Friday: 18h00-19h00     
First Class:  October 2nd
Location:     Online
Language:   English (Assisted with Chinese)

Enroll your 3D imagination in the modern computer assisted design world. Treat yourself with the background knowledge of the world top designers for the most modern industrial fine art. We will be using AUTO DESK Fusion 360 during the class and the software is free for you during your study.

Each stage contains 4 classes. We suggest to register for 4 classes at once.

This workshop can be linked with the "Hand Drawing Design"

CAD 3D Design - Intermediate 

For students who passed the beginner level only
Time:           Every Friday,  18h00 - 19h00    
Location:     Online
Language:   English

Enroll your 3D imagination in the modern computer assisted design world. Treat yourself with the background knowledge of the world top designers for the most modern industrial fine art. 

We will be using AUTO DESK Fusion 360 during the class and the software is free for you during your study.

Fees can be paid per class or pay multiple classes as once

Événements passés

Passed Events

Hand Drawing Design


No matter you are an art enthusiast, or you want to become the top notch designer. Express your brilliant thinking is the key to be recognized. 

Hand draw with one of our professional artists/ designers.

The first class we will start with the most famous robot from movies.

This workshop can be linked with the "CAD 3D Design"

Lego Mindstorm Expert Showcase

Speaker: Justin Gaal

Mechanical Engineer

Former Aerospace engineer worked on Airbus A220 

Pratt&Whitney next generation turbofan jet engine


Lecture outline:

  • History of aircraft

  • Type of aircraft engines

  • Aircraft control basics

  • Rocket & Space

  • Mini project: control of paper plane.


Lecture in English

Question can be asked & answered in French or Chinese

Introduction to aerospace

Speaker: Justin Gaal

Ingénieur mécanique

Un ancien ingénieur en aérospatiale a travaillé sur l'Airbus A220

Moteur à réaction turboréacteur de nouvelle génération Pratt & Whitney

Speaker: Justin Gaal

Plan de la conférence:

  • Histoire de l'avion

  • Type de moteurs d'avion

  • Bases du contrôle des aéronefs

  • Mini projet: contrôle d'avion en papier.

  • Fusée et espace



Conférence en anglais

La question peut être posée et répondue en français ou en chinois

Introduction à l'aérospatiale

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